The weather's still pretty bad up in Manchester right now, tracks around here still aren't in any fit state to ride so it's just sprints and Leeds Skatepark for bike time at the minute.
Training's going well though considering, also, the little niggles i've had for a while have seemed to chilled out a bit.
Should be going to France in early Febuary so looking forward to getting some much needed track time in, it'll be with the rest of the GB team i think so that'll always be a funny trip.
I did a couple of diary reports from Chula & Frejus SX races for the lastest issue of FastLane BMX magazine, i've not actually seen them yet but hopefully they did the job.
Todays pic is from a friend in France. Pascal runs the track down in Montelimar and is always super keen for us to get back down there and has always got his camera in hand!!
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